* SPOTLITE * __________ INTERNET CONNECTION __________ September 1 - September 8, 1995 *CHAT ABOUT the Web Room in the People Connection is staffed from 8pm -11pm ET on a daily basis to help you with answers and where to find that exotic web site. Drop by to say hi and hang out with your favorite Cyberjockeys and CATW habituees. (CJ = Cyberjockey = Internet Connection Staff). NEWS! Are you an ADVANCED USER looking for a place to talk shop? Try Earl's Garage (keyword: Earl). In addition to the advanced user message boards, forum leaders Rich Wiggins (author of The Internet for Everyone) and Gabe Goldberg (leader of the Capital PC Users Group Internet SIG) show you how to supercharge your AOL connection in live forum discussions every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights, 10:00 pm EDT. Please check the Earl's Garage area for exact location of these events. AOL's PERSONAL PUBLISHING Software is now available for PC users! Make your own Web page today by using keyword: Personal Publisher. (Don't fret, Mac users, your version of Personal Publisher is coming soon!) MEET NETGIRL. Rosalind Resnick (RosalindR) is America Online's new cyber-advice columnist. Join Rosalind in her live conferences and find out how to handle your cyber-relationships. Be sure to visit the NetGirl Forum where you can post a message, check the personals, surf cool sites, and ask NetGirl for advice. Rosalind's upcoming topics: Sept 3: Coming out of the closet online Sept 4: Gender wars: When men and women clash online Sept 6: Computer jealousy: What to do when your mate spends more time with his/her computer than with you. NOTE:This conference begins at 8pm ET! Sept 8: Online addiction: What to do when you can't log off any time you want to Sept 10:Gender benders: Men who pretend to be women who pretend to be ... (oh, you get the idea) All conferences held at 9pm ET (with noted exception) in the Main Stage auditorium. Keyword:Center Stage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VIRTUAL LINGO by "Jennifer" and "Numbers Man" What's a SNERT? EVER WISH you had a translator for AOL-speak? Just looking to learn more about AOL? Check out VirtuaLingo -- the travelogue, guide, trivia book, and technical notebook all rolled up in the mild-mannered guise of a glossary! VirtuaLingo is a comprehensive, up-to-date glossary of the lingo you'll hear in the many gathering places around AOL -- complete with technical terms, jargon, slang and lots of useful (and trivial) information! Network phone numbers, filename extensions, staff uniforms, and assorted tips and techniques included. This updated version includes over *40* new entries and the complete list of AOL keyboard shortcuts for every platform as a separate file. 252 entries. Free hamster with each download! ;D VirtuaLingo is SurveyWare! Feel free to pass this along intact to friends and if you find it useful, please complete the survey included within and e-mail it to "Jennifer" and "NumbersMan." We'll use your feedback to improve future versions of VirtuaLingo, and we'll even put your name on our mailing list for updates! ***To find this file, use Keyword:Filesearch or Keyword:Quickfind and search on "VirtuaLingo." Enjoy! *** ============================ The Internet Connection Sunday Event: John Perry Barlow Sunday, September 3, 1995 at 10pm ET in the Bowl (Keyword:Center Stage) The Internet Connection is pleased to present John Perry Barlow. John Perry Barlow is a retired Wyoming cattle rancher, a lyricist for the Grateful Dead, and co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an organization which promotes freedom of expression in digital media. He is a writer and lecturer on subjects relating to the virtualization of society and is a contributing editor and writer for numerous publications included "Wired" and Mondo 2000. He is a recognized commentator on computer security, Virtual Reality, digitized intellectual property, and the social and legal conditions arising in the global network of connected digital devices. He is probably the only former Republican County Chairman in America willing to call himself a hippie mystic without lowering his voice, and though he was recently declared by the "Utne Reader" to be among "100 Visionaries Who Could Change Your Life, " he is generally content to work on changing his own. He lives in Wyoming, New York, on The Road, and in Cyberspace. * * * * * That's all for this week! :) Ellen